Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Have Not Forgotten

HOW? Someone please explain to me how anyone who lived in America, can so easily forget why we are at war and call this a war over oil??? First, consider what the president said and BOTH political parties agreed to from the very beginning. President Bush made it very clear that the United States would go after all terrorists and... And... AND the countries that harbor them! That includes, Iraq. In the future it will likely include Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and possibly others. For those of you who choose not to educate yourselves but do choose to expound your ignorance on others, try to understand the timeline I am about to give you, before you run your mouth about how the Bush Administration is responsible for 9-11 and is war hungry.

First, the man who attacked the twin towers the first time was the same person who came up with the idea for using commercial airliners on Sept. 11th. This person, Ramzi Yousef, was free for quite sometime while Clinton did not support extensive action to apprehend him. Why? Because not enough people died to warrant that kind of a man hunt in Clinton's mind. This is the view of numerous persons in the FBI, whose hands were tied regarding Yousef's capture.

Second, Osama Bin Ladin was not the mastermind behind the Sept. 11th attacks; he was the financier and for lack of a better word, the recruiter. With out Bin Ladin's money none of us would be living in what we now call "Post 9-11 America". The Sudan harbored Bin Ladin and finally under pressure from the US expelled him from their country, but not without twice telling the US that they did not want him free and upset with them for expelling him and offering to turn him into US Custody. Clinton's response was in essence... We don't want him. Even though he was officially wanted by the United States in connection with the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, that killed 225 people and injured more than 4000.

Third, consider that after the US naval ship, the USS Cole, was attacked, Clinton did NOTHING, except issue a statement of dissent. In essence Clinton said that attacking US ships is bad so terrorists shouldn't do it any more. That's it. No man hunt, in fact the US raided an al-Qaeda safe house where Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, one of the persons responsible for the USS Cole attack, was sleeping for another man and left Mohammed there in his bed. Mohammed, often referred to as KSM, was later apprehended under the Bush administration, where he admitted to being the mastermind and the organizer behind the September 11th attacks.

Now let’s put this all together.

First, in 1993, Ramzi Yousef attacks the WTC and Clinton does nothing about it.

Second, in 1998, Osama Bin Ladin kills 225 and injures 4000 and Clinton does nothing about it. P.S. Bin Laden had been wanted for other crimes since the mid 90's.

Third, 1999, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed attacks the USS Cole and Clinton does nothing about it.

Now these three get together and you have the man with the idea, the man with the money and people, and the man ready to organize the whole event! I am sure that al-Qaeda loved the freedoms that they had as a result of Clinton’s absence. We did not go to Iraq about WMDs that was simply the only reason that some Americans would accept going, and the reason most noted by the media, cause we were already starting to forget about the 2752 Americans including 343 firefighters that died as a result of terrorists that were allowed to move about unhindered by the Clinton administration for 8 YEARS as opposed to the 8 months that Bush was in office when the attacks occurred. America went to war over terrorist attacks on American soil. America went to war in Iraq, for failure to abide by UN Resolution 1441. UN Resolution 1441 includes the following resolutions which were not adhered to by Iraq.

UN Resolution 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990,
UN Resolution 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990,
UN Resolution 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991,
UN Resolution 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991,
UN Resolution 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991,
UN Resolution 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991,
UN Resolution 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991,
UN Resolution 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995,
and UN Resolution 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999

These resolutions do not state Iraq can’t make WMDs. Amen. They include numerous UN programs to aide Iraq and its people, and to aide in peace in the region. Including weapons inspectors who were never granted the access required of Iraq and ultimately were expelled by Iraq. We never would have discussed WMDs had we know that they were not there. We did not know of their presence or absence were it not for Saddam Hussein’s failure to permit UN weapons inspectors to do their job and his choice to also prohibit the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to do theirs. Consider that ALL countries with atomic programs are subjected to inspection from the IAEA, including the United States. Nine UN Resolutions, agreed upon by the United Nations, not a unilateral decision, violated prior to the issuance of UN Resolution 1441, which was also violated. If this was over oil I assure you the US would have all the oil it wanted from Iraq. Who would or could stop us? No one. Yet our fuel and oil prices continue to rise. Uneducated people say this is because Bush is an oil man and benefits from higher oil prices. While this is true, free product… enough to cover American needs and still have more to export to other countries would help any organization’s bottom line far more than raising the per unit cost, as this causes a decline in sales. This is basic high school economics.

By the way, though I freely admit I can't stand Clinton, I do not blame him for the attacks any more than I blame a woman in a short skirt for getting raped. The attacker is responsible, the attacker is at fault. I do feel that Clinton dropped the ball for 8 years and Bush for 8 months. This does not make them responsible it makes them human... This is part of the greatness of our country. We need not look to our leader as a god to keep our life. This is far different from the countries we are currently working to liberate. Why, when tragedy strikes do partisan leaders not use their hands to help but instead to point fingers?
Unfortunately, in America our hind site has gone from 20/20 to near blindness. Many people have allowed the views of a biased media to sway their opinions without doing the research themselves. We don’t want to think we want to be spoon fed what our opinions of America should be, and we are, by biased news anchors from CANADA! It is evident that we have way forgotten our brothers and sisters who perished as a result of hate. I am a fireman. As a fireman I live by a code “NEVER FORGET”. Many may have heard the phrase “Gone but not forgotten” this is our creed to one another. This is our love for our brothers and sisters. It was also America’s code for the men and women who died in the World Trade Center… but America has broken the golden rule, America forgot. We as a nation overwhelmingly wanted to go after the bad guys and Bush did too. So we did. Now we hate him for doing what we asked of him. Get the men responsible for these kinds of attacks, make my home safe, and keep my country great. Many of the people who run these types of hate organizations have indeed been apprehended, no major terrorist event has occurred on American homeland soil, but we as Americans have failed to keep this country as great and as united as it was when we had the resolve and the focus following 9-11.


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